Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Easy To Cook Dhaka Chicken Karahi Recipe

Easy To Cook Dhaka Chicken Karahi Recipe


Chicken 1 kg
Salt as per taste
Garlic Paste 2 tbsp
Ginger 2 inch piece
Onion 2 medium sized
Red Chilli Powder 1 tbsp
Crush Red Chilli 1 tbsp
Whole Corriander Seeds 1 tbsp
Cumin Seeds 1 tbsp
Fresh Dill 1 tbsp
Tomatoes 5 – 6 medium
Flour 2 tbsp
Yogurt ½ cup
Egg 1
Big Green Chilli 3 - 4
Dalda Cooking Oil ¾ cup


*Finely slice the onions, cut tomatoes into thick slices and chop ginger.

*Beat egg in a bowl and add yogurt & garlic paste to it.

*Marinate chicken pieces with this mixture & refrigerate for 10 – 15 minutes.

*Mix flour, salt & red chilli and spread it out in a platter.

*Roll chicken pieces in the flour mixture & again refrigerate for 10 – 15 minutes.

*Heat Dalda Cooking Oil in a wok and fry chicken pieces in it on medium heat.

*After taking out the chicken pieces from the wok, add ginger, grounded corriander, cumin & crush red chilli in the same wok & stir slightly. Then add onion & tomatoes to it, cover & cook on low heat.

*When tomatoes get tender, stir well & add fried chicken to it. Add green chilli & let it simmer on low heat.

*Stir well when oil separates, sprinkle chopped dill & remove from heat.

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