Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Easy steps to Apply Skin Base on Dry Skin

Easy steps to Apply Skin Base on Dry Skin

We can count skin in three main categories oily skin, normal skin and dry skin. Normal skin is huge gift of God that is perfect & best for all seasons but keep fresh and charming of oily and dry skin is tough job.

Today, I am going to solve a great problem on dry skin ladies that “how you can apply foundation or liquid base on your face for everlasting fresh look in pleasure ceremonies such as wedding, parties and reception events etc.

This superb idea to apply foundation in 8 steps is extremely awesome that will hide your tints and furnish glowing attractive face. Let explain in 8 steps that how you can apply foundation on dry skin.

Step 1:

Wash your face with fruit based moisturize cleaners

Step 2

 2 ice cubes over your face for  5 minutes

Take an ice cube and wrapped in tissue or soft cloth and gently apply on face and especially on eyes if you have black circles. This step will keep your make up long longer and fresh.

Step 3

 Massage face properly with moisturizer

Gently massage on your face with suitable moisturizer that will furnish glowing and natural look.

Step 4

 Let skin dry for sometime

Let your face for few minutes to do dry and you can also utilize cool Brower for this purpose.

Step 5

 Apply moisturized base all over your face step 5

Apply suitable liquid lotion or creame on all over face and neck.

Step 6

Use creme based foundation

Now apply skin matching foundation base or gel that will be good option for your face. If you apply liquid base with spongy then it will be a best idea.

Step 7

finish mineral based pressed powder

Now give last finishing touch with mineral based pressed powder.

Step 8

Eye makeup depends on ur costume color

After absolute face base then you can apply other make up what you want.

Really, this is best and superb idea to apply liquid foundation on dry skin. Plz follow these 8 steps and enjoy natural glowing face. Hope you will like & appreciate this great idea.

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